
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Do you know your child's teacher's name?


Do you Knowledge your child or children's teacher(s) name(s)? Do they know your name? With the inDOCtrination going on in schools it is important that parents be aware of all of the food (mental and physical) that their children are being fed.

I knew the drill well. My Old Earth was a teacher. Getting report cards and teacher conferences was a family affair. Overtime I realized that the attention that I got in school was due, in part, to the constant presence of my parents. To this day the education school system in New Haven knows who I am due to this history. Being around all of the time my parents were the first to know about certain opportunities in the school system and how to petition for me to get into them.

Do you know you child's teacher's name?

Sometimes I think that my son's teacher is 'tired' of seeing me and my Earth. We speak with her on the phone, through letters sent via I-Victory and in person. We attend the school functions, events, and conferences. It is important that I-Victory see that education is a cooperative environment, not just one where we 'exile' him for the day.

You know the old saying, "The squeeky wheel gets the oil". Well, those who make Knowledge Born are the one's who will have a sturdy foundation to Build from.

Do you know your child's teacher's name?


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

God-Hop Part V


From the book "Yes, Yes, Y'all: The experience Music Project. Oral History of Hip-Hop's First Decade" by Jim Fricke and Charlie Ahearn. Pg 26.

So even the gang members loved us because they didn't want to mess with what was happening. You know? They come in, keep to themselves. Not only that, a lot of Five-Percenters (a splinter group of the Nation of Islam) used to come to my might call them "peace guards," and they used to hold me down: "Yo Herc, don't worry about it." So we was just havin' a good time.

Kool Herc one of the GodFathers of Hip-Hop.


Monday, April 25, 2005

Caused by the Sun of Man

My son's school is going to be the first school in Connecticut to go solar powered.

It is important for us to make sure that our children have a healthy appreciation for science. The best way that this can be done is for them to see that it is fun and applicable.

A few weeks ago we attended a children's festival downtown at Yale which had alot of different ethnic groups and a focus on science also. My son learned how to write his name in Arabic, did the Knowledge to the placement of countries on the Indian Sub-continent, observed some experiments with liquid nitrogen, got involved with some experiments with oil and water, viewed the night sky in a portable planetarium, and also was entranced by various ethnic dances such as the Lion Dance. It was a good outing.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Planetary Science

You can now do the Knowledge to the Earth, Kahelah Symetric's blog at: Some insight from the female perspective.

C'BS ALife Allah

Breath of Life

Peace to the Babies for being the greatest!

To add on to the above article I am posting an article that was written by my good sister India She-Rains Earth. It was posted in the past on the former New Heaven website. I am posting it here again for many to do the Knowledge.



Peace in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Blackman of Asia

Do you know how to jumpstart a car? We've all been there before, figuring out positive and negative connections. The joy that comes over us when we resurrect that dead battery. Now I ask, do you know how to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on an infant who has had something lodged in their throat and has stop breathing? Do you know how to save the life of a child?

This is not an instruction manual on First Aid and CPR. This is just my thoughts on the importance of being prepared. It is a known fact that more people know how to jumpstart a car then provide CPR to a man, woman, or child. Think on that a moment. In my judgement this is not acceptable amongst those of us whom are civilized people. Civilization has a Powerful Responsibility.

People do not return from a physical death. It is up to us to save people from that physical death.

Most Fire Stations and Red Cross offer free classes in First Aid and CPR certification. One should consider becoming certified to TEACH First Aid and CPR also. This is a service that could be offered by the poor righteous teachers to the public to save their own lives. This is one of the most practical things that I have learned. Our righteous brother who was a prophet known as Jesus was said to have healed the sick. This is also our duty. One of Jesus’ own disciples, Luke, was a physician. In the Knowledge Born degree of the 1-40 a verse in St. Luke’s gospel is referred to:

St. Luke 12:47 And that servant, which knew his Lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

I have seen the stripes or rather I have seen someone distraught over holding the body of a child that they could’ve saved if they had only been prepared. Not only must we prepare ourselves we must prepare the Nations with this Knowledge of health, healing, in accordance with eating the right foods (preventive medicine in and of itself).

While joking with my God I told him.......

I don't just want you to take my breath away. I want you to be able to return it.

He agreed.


I am
India She Rains Earth
a reflection of
God Divine Nature Allah

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I recently found a home video tape of my physical family from December 31st, 1999. My physical foundation (Father), my old Earth, and my 2 physicals (1 sister, 1 brother) had decided that we were going to spend the 'eve of the millenium' together. The only catch was that my family's church's anniversary was on January the 1st. I had grown up reared in a Holiness home and had celebrated this anniversary with them every year before coming into the Knowledge of myself. The anniversary was in Maryland.

Now, my brother decided to wait until I got out of work and we drove down to Maryland on that eve having a fresh time. My family was staying in a hotel so we were going to join them.

For those who recall there was alot of apprehension in the air with talk of Y2K, the New World Order, etc.. We actually filmed the whole journey and made it as though we were 'escaping' Armageddon.

While looking over that tape I have been taking in the joy that I have from being around my family. I am also seeing what led me to want to reproduce that same joy in my own solar system. That film was also the last video of my old Earth who returned to the essence the next year due to cancer.

During that time I was still in the process of making my own Earth, Shahada Vindia. I've been meditating on that time of transition. The planet Earth is the home of Islam. When you leave one home you set up another. When you are 'out of doors' it ain't cool.

The Japanese have a poem form that is called 'jisei'. It is a poem written by zen monks or haiku poets on their death bed. We know that there is no return from a physical death yet there can be a resurrection from a mental death. That 'dark night of the sol' for me was the transition where I wrote my own jisei yet resurrection lies within.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Holy vs. Righteous

When did ritual purity (holy) become confused with being morally upright (righteous)? Holy traditionally has been applied to a thing (such as a bible), or a person (pope, swami, 'holy men') whom not only are not OF the world...they aren't IN the world. What I mean is that it is easy to keep 'pure' when one is isolated from one's environment (celebacy (isn't that anti-life), not going into clubs, cloistered, etc..).

Holy is that which hasn't been mixed, diluted or tampered with. In actuallity it is more properly applied to a thing such as an ideal (Freedom, Love, etc.) rather than a person. It is static. Righteous is dynamic. It is the 'greatest good' of preserving and maximizing life of oneself, one's family, one's community, and in the long run the world.

The Gods and Earths have never claimed to be holy ('holier than thou') because we realize that it has nothing to do with moral uprightness. Thus, the charge..'they drink and smoke' has often been labeled against us. My righteous brother Sha-King approaches this topic in his April 16th Blog on his Blogspot ( It is something that we have dealt with in our Nation since our inception.

In fact, let's play "Who is the Holiest"?

Some Christians drink and smoke in moderation, yet eat anything.
Mormons don't smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or drink coffee.
Muslims don't use tobacco, drink alcohol, or eat pork.
Vegans don't do any of the above plus they don't eat any animals so they MUST be the holiest!

Yet when you check history you realize that Hitler was a vegetarian.

Ritual purity has nothing to do with moral fortitude. In fact, many of the above groups violate their own 'restrictions'. I know several Christians and Muslims that take over the counter medicines that 'intoxicate' the brain. Yet as long as it is 'state sanctioned' it is okay. Remember that opium, weed, etc.. were LEGAL just over a century ago. I know about the tobacco ban in Muslim countries yet you will often find hookahs and nargils. Coffee is a stimulant.

An item is not morally 'good' or 'bad' in and of itself. Any item is translated through an individual who may do positive or negative actions. Health is great yet it is not related to righteousness or all of our sport stars would be our 'holy men'.

Yes the Gods and Earths have a basic standard for eating. We also know that the best way to Master anything is to leave it alone. So we are anti-ADDICTION. Yet just as there are people whom can get through their day drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes there are those whom can get through their day without falling vicitim to certain 'illegal' drugs. My righteous brother Just Self was a straight alcoholic yet he was one of the first ones to step into a hail of bullets to save the babies when drug dealers were shooting in my old neighborhood. My older brother Barkim Powerful seemed to always be coming from or chasing another 'high' yet he ALWAYS spent time with the babies in his neighborhood in Medina while other people couldn't be bothered.

Another thing that many don't realize is that many of our people, as my righteous brother I-Majestic always points out, are in a state of recovery. That person whom is smoking a cigarette may have been a crack addict and stepped down to tobacco.

The Gods and Earths work with obtainable standards rather than illusionary standards (Has anyone ever been as 'holy' as the living pope? Has anyone ever been as 'holy' as 'Christ'?) I work so that my presence makes the world a better place rather then me working to just make sure that I am 'pure'. I am not a holy man, I am a righteous man.


Saturday, April 16, 2005


Recently someone asked me why I don't post more 'history' posts on the blog seeing that history is a 'passion' of mine. The short answer is that I tend not to know how to write 'short' things about history. I tend to write essays. I will be saving my essays for another website that is in development as we speak (check my brother Justice Rajee Allah's blog, Brave Thinking, at more details). Another reason is that people 'think' that one cannot declare their self as God 'unless' they generate a whole body that connects the present day reality to a 'historical' reality. They don't see that ability of those in the NOW to create and mold their own reality. I can show you a number of instances in history of the deification of man and the connection of woman with this planet yet at the end of the day, in this social reality, I am God because I say so and show and prove it through a logical expression.

With that said I do find history interesting. One part that I have found interesting is the presence of the moors amongst the spainards and how spanish culture abroad has preserved alot of this past interaction. Being that my Earth is of Boriken lineage as my son I use it as a point of reference. I use this point of reference when I am Building with those of latino lineage and as a stepping stone into this way of life.

The majority of the words in spanish that begin with 'al' are from arabic. Notice how 'Medina' is a common Puerto Rican last name. Also Knowledge this that I got from

According to Ocasio, there are many Islamic and Moorish elements in Latin culture; he says that the Spanish "ojala" is derived from the Arabic "insha'allah" (both expressions mean God willing), while the Spanish exclamation "olé" comes from "Allah." Some scholars seem to agree. "In a sense, no single word could be said to encapsulate as such Spanish history as that three-letter word 'Olé,' " one historian wrote recently. "'Olé' is the Spanish adaptation of 'Allah', the Arabic word for God. So when Spaniards say 'Olé' at a bullfight, they are saying Praise 'Allah'."

Just one to grow on.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Just wanted to say

Just wanted to make Knowledge Born about a few particles:

1. Haven't gotten the computer up and running yet so I'm using satilite services to post now and then. When I'm back up and running 100% right and exact I'll hit y'all on the daily.

2. I've gotten alot of personal e-mail and posts that I haven't made time to answer due to the current environment with no computer. Again, refer to the above.

3. This is a space for posting this God's perspective on various topics. It is not a place for debate (though I may address specific topics in future post), it is not a place to get 'instant 120' (I'm just going to send you to the true and living in your area...we do this face to face), it is not a place for the Gods to be your 'oracle' (I'm gonna just point you where to find the answer for your self), and it is not a place to bash anyone (though I may be critical of various religions, perspectives, etc..).

4. Yes I went to college. No I didn't get 120 via the internet. I traveled to Mecca (Harlem) and got it face to face, mouth to ear from a God by the name of God Darmel Allah. I traveled back and forth from New Heaven (New Haven) to Mecca until I Knowledged 120. In actuality I got some of the degrees (from the same God) in Medina and the Light.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The 'Holy' Father


New England has a large Catholic population. It is not the foundational religion in the region (that honor would have to go to various forms of Protestantnism) yet it has taken root in this region due to it being the religion of various ethnic groups that immigrated here and stayed (such as the Italian and Latino population in CT, the Irish population of Boston, etc.). New Haven itself hosts the headquarters of the Knights of Columbus (, the largest Catholic Fraternal Order.

New Haven and the surrounding towns have several Catholic schools. As an alternative to public and 'private' schools Catholic schools were always an option for inner city youth as a place for more 'quality' learning. Though I always remembered all of these children who weren't Catholic being taught Catholic doctrine. Their time in the schools oriented them to a way of thinking that wasn't conducive to their experience in their neighborhoods and/or their history. The fear that was planted in them traveled with them the rest of their lives. I also remember just working to kick it to Catholic girls cause if one had flow with them it was a 'high prize' back in the day.

My good brother I-Majestic Allah made Knowledge Born about the demographics of the modern day church. The dynamics are such that South America hold about 1/2 of the worlds Catholics. Asia and Africa have been growing as well. Europe and America are loosing Catholics. Yet, with all of the change in demographics the leadership of the church still is composed of primarialy white males from Europe. The structure is familiar to us all. The demographics of wealth and control world wide reflect the same structure.

It will be interesting to see whom will be Pope. It will be interesting what his agenda will be. I do know that I was disgusted that the former Arch Bishop of Boston, who shifted priest around whom he knew were child molesters to various churches, was given a duty of honor in relationship to the funeral of the Pope ( In my book harming the babies is the ultimate 'sin'. The fact that he was in the know and generated a means for them to continue their devilishment warrants a high penalty.

History note:


Monday, April 11, 2005

The Right Foods Pt III

My righteous brother Sha-King has been addressing the issue of proper diet in his blogspot ( I wanted to add on as I bear witness that the slogan "you are what you eat" is relevant to the reality that many of us live. Starting with myself and my family I have constantly sought to impress upon those whom I come in contact with the importance of the right foods; physical to mental, mental to physical.

In the inner city where many of us live or were raised diet is not stressed unless one comes from a way of life that promotes a specific dietary law. Growing up in the Ville section of New Haven I thought the four food groups were salt, sugar, artifical color, and grease. Such a diet leads to one starving to death from lack of proper nutrients and obesity. You can just do the Knowledge to the youth today in comparisson to the world stage and realize that the wrong foods coupled with the lack of physical activity is 'killing us softly'. This manifests itself as diabetes, high blood pressure, taxed kindneys, livers, etc.. Add to this the living conditions in the ghetto; lead paint, roaches (which promote asthma), etc... This isn't limited to original people in the inner city. Many original people, despite their economic levels, are the heirs to a faulty food legacy where 'soul food' or 'spanish food', etc.. is a part of their definition of self. From the lack of Knowledge we are killing our selves. What is even worse is that we are killing our babies.

In another post I will get into the research that connects many of the aspects of ADHD to diet. What I will say is that it is illegal to give your child vitamins in their lunch to take to school yet it is perfectly legal for you to send them to school with a whole bunch of candy. The neighborhood stores, in my area, are run by many whom classify their selves as muslims yet they constantly sell items that are Haram.

Well God, what do we do???

One neighborhood that I was working in and living the corner store sold a can of beans to a family that was filled with maggots. We found out later that it was a 'common' thing yet no one ever did anything because they felt that they didn't have any power. When they were shown that they had power they basically got that store owner expelled from the neighborhood. They had also formed such a strong union that the next owner was on his toes about making sure that his items were 'right'. The next level, in any type of operation like that would be to be in the position to put someone in the neighborhood into the position of ownership of the neighborhood store.

Around my way I approached the store owners of the corner store about serving pork in their store. They were 'suprised' that I knew a bit about their restrictive laws. I made sure that others came with me each time to 'question them'. With each inquiry they became a little more watchful. I finally convinced them to look at the science of supply and demand. People around my way like 'bacon'. They really don't care if it is pork or turkey. If the store would supply turkey bacon the people would still buy because of convience. In time it would be up to the poor righteous teachers to bring the Understanding. The store only serves turkey products now.


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Jewels of the Gods

Another one of my righteous brothers has decided to add on. Now we have a continuim across the United States starting with Connecticut, into Pittsburgh, into the Midwest with Wisconsin and Oregon, and finally into California with Aikuan Allah. You can do the Knowledge to his blogspot, IN SEARCH OF ALLAH'S TREASURE: Jewels for the Original Family at:


Thursday, April 07, 2005

God Hop Pt IV

The 'underground' state

Many wrongly assume that the Gods and Earths were only a staple of the Golden Age of Hip Hop (circa mid 80's to early 90's). At most, many assume that we extended our presence into the mid to late 90's via the Wu-Tang era. The reality is that we have a grand presence before the Golden Age which has largely gone untold (as much of that era in Hip Hop in general has) and that continues today.

As a reaction to end of the East Coast domination of rap that came with the Chronic Album by Dr. Dre underground Hip Hop was effectively created. It had been in existence before yet with a host of various factors it now became a flourishing arena of talent. In that arena were many whom continue to push the envelope today (C-Rayz Walz, J-Live, etc.). Due to the current 'state' of Hip Hop it is influenced, controled, etc. by many factors. The lines between 'above' and 'under' ground aren't as clear anymore. There are many whom escape the radar on both fronts. This doesn't mean that they aren't on the field. It just means that one has reset their radar. Here are a few Gods and Earths whom are working to make a dent in the industry while at the same time teaching Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Tislam Allah

Harlem 6

Aikuan Allah (7odz)

Almighty 7

Sun Tzu Cadre


And yes to my peoples I Knowledge that I have forgot someone. Just don't take my head for it. Here's a bonus for people also from the past; the 'sons' of God Lil Nique (Unique) and DJ Just (Justice).

C'BS ALife Allah

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I am constantly amazed at the effect that one's positive words (a form of Wisdom) can have. I notice the effect that the kind word has upon my Earth when she is distressed, how it can communicate great ideas precisely, and how it can be tailor made so that the self stylzed wisdom is indeed my own.

In opposition to the wise word there is the wack word, the weak word, the wrong word. I made notice of it this morning as I was conversing with my son. As I've already mentioned in previous posts we have a set of morning affirmations that we do. Lately, I've been bringing one of his friends to school also with us. So in the morning he bears witness to myself and I-Victory doing the affirmations, acknowledging the day and date, and going over the day's mathematics. My son, being who is he, asked him did he want to join in. His friends response (take into account that he is 5 years old) was no cause he was lazy.

I was amazed. I KNOW that the only way that he could've already formed this view of himself was due to him being fed the wrong foods mentally. Do I chastise I-Victory??? Hell Yeah! When he does wrong he has to evaluate what the problem was, how to correct it, and deal with consequences. Yet I am always careful to make sure that he realizes that his actions are not him and that he can change his actions. Needless to say I-Victory is an epitome of the 22nd degree of the 1-40. He is the piece of steel with magnetic in it. He always has a positive word for his friends and before long his friend was doing the affirmation portion of our morning exercises with us.

C'BS ALife Allah