
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Postdam Giants

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Many aspects of the Aegean Event seem "fantastical" due to several reasons. One reason is because the current narrative of history has been reinforced from multiple directions (schools, media, etc). Due to this there are so many aspects of history that people are just not aware of nowadays. Also due to just the dumbing down of the education system the average person even if they were aware of all of these missing elements they aren't equipped to synthesize the information. One of the positions of the Aegean Event is that white people (as a distinct pheno/geno type) aren't just the last comers on the world scene. It postulates that they are the result of an ancient eugenic program. The average person is only aware of Hitler's eugenic program in terms of his making of his "master race." His own program was inspired by the American Eugenic program which has a HUGE history (we'll get into that in the book). Yet there were many others worldwide. One was the Postdam Giants. The Potsdam Giants was the Prussian infantry regiment No 6, composed of taller-than-average soldiers. The regiment was founded in 1675 and dissolved in 1806 after the Prussian defeat by Napoleon. Throughout the reign of the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia (1688–1740) the unit was known as the "Potsdamer Riesengarde" ("giant guard of Potsdam") in German, but the Prussian population quickly nicknamed them the Lange Kerle ("tall guys"). At first the regiment was formed by selecting tall men and boys from all over Prussia. Yet it got to the point that if parents didn't hand over their children they were kidnapped. It eventually got to the point where the King started breeding the soldiers with tall women establishing giant bloodlines. Trust me. The theories that we will present in the final books covering the Aegean Event only seem odd when you don't have all of the pieces. We're going to provide you with all of the pieces and instruction you in several ways to put them together. #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding #Eugenics #PostdamGiants

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