
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Old Europe

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European is used nowadays as synonym for white people when in actuality nothing could be further from the truth. It implies that Europe is the historical cradle of white people when history, genetics and archaeology It has long been known this not to be the case. It is actually so well known among scholars vs the lay people that they have literally divided European Prehistory into two periods. Old Europe is before the presence of white people in Europe and New Europe is after introduction of white people to Europe. Also they are treated as invaders to Europe...not originating within Europe. Some things that we do know without a doubt. The whole culture of Europe collapsed during the end of the Bronze Age into the beginning of the Iron Age. This is the period of the incubation of white people and their invasions. The heavily communal/agricultural foundation of Europe was devastated. There were two earlier genetic lineages in Europe. The earliest were the explorers/hunter-gatherers out of Africa circa 45,000 BC. The second was the farmers and agricultural scientists. Both together set up the whole monolithic structures you see throughout Europe. Both were dark skinned peoples. Yet within their lineages they held some of the markers that we would later identify with white people such as the blue eye marker in the earlier explorer group and lighter skin marker in the farming group. When mapping the generics of white people nowadays these markers are carried maternally. Why? Because the invading force killed the men and raped the women. (Continued in comments) #AegeanEvent #Europe #ScienceOfSelf #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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