
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pole Star and the Great Year

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In the era that we are postulating that the Aegean Event took place the Pole Star (the North Star) wasn't Polaris. "A pole star is a visible star, preferably a prominent one, that is approximately aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation; that is, a star whose apparent position is close to one of the celestial poles, and which lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth's North Pole or South Pole. While other stars' apparent positions in the sky change throughout the night, as they appear to rotate around the celestial poles, pole stars' apparent positions remain virtually fixed. This makes them especially useful in celestial navigation: they are a dependable indicator of the direction toward the respective geographic pole although not exact; they are virtually fixed, and their angle of elevation can also be used to determine latitude. The identity of the pole stars gradually changes over time because the celestial poles exhibit a slow continuous drift through the star field. The primary reason for this is the precession of the Earth's rotational axis, which causes its orientation to change over time. If the stars were fixed in space, precession would cause the celestial poles to trace out imaginary circles on the celestial sphere approximately once every 26,000 years, passing close to different stars at different times. The stars themselves also exhibit proper motion, which causes a very small additional apparent drift of pole stars." The Pole Star at the time of the Aegean Event was the star Thuban which in Arabic means snake which rests in the constellation of Draco as in dragon. The next Pole star which we are moving towards changing over in aproximately 3,000 AD is Al-Rai/Er Rai which is in the constelation of Cepheus the King of Aethiopia in Greek mythology. The ancients left a playbook that is outlined in the heavens. #Thuban #Cephus #Heavens #Earth #History #Future #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf

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