
Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Worldwide people have standard by which they evaluate the distance they travel over a space of time. We refer to these as calendars. There are several types of calendars utilized by various groups.

Solar Calendars


Allah World Manifest Calendar

Lunisolar or Lunar


The Stellar Calendar is the rarest of all calendars. It is based on the Earth’s Precession. The precession is aprox. A cycle of 25,000 years and has been observed by various original cultures throughout time. You can tell that the original man observed this precession over time in his mapping of the zodiac at the temple of Denderah in Egypt or the temple complex in Angkor Wat in Cambodia. It is also evident in various other temple structures. In various texts it is referred to as the Great Year. In the Nation of Gods and Earths we reference it as the Asiatic Calendar.

For the record, for those that follow the ‘zodiac’ learn ASTOLOGY instead of ASTONOMY. Whatever sign you ‘think’ you are you are not. That’s because the signs change dates as the Earth moves through precession. The signs were ‘assigned’ several thousand years ago and have changed position. For some information on this check here . Karl Marx is quoted as saying “Man makes religion, religion doesn’t make man.” To that I would add that Man makes time, time doesn’t make man.

Time is Truth I Master Equality. The Truth is that I Master the balance. One of the most important balances is time management. The Truth is I Master Equality without letting it Master me.

Many times it is hard to see the crystallization of one’s goals because it is so far off. It appears to be years, months and days off. Well, you can tell that a year has passed by the orientation of the stars, the progression of a month by the phases of the moon, and passing of a day by the ‘rising’ and ‘setting’ of the sun. When you flip that polarity you get the sun, moon and star. It is easier to see long term goals when you realize that your regular habits on the daily (sun/day) are building blocks to your long term goals (star/years).

Some of my alikes have written about time management and long term planning.

Aikuan Allah

Make your time.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"For the record, for those that follow the ‘zodiac’ learn ASTOLOGY instead of ASTONOMY. Whatever sign you ‘think’ you are you are not. That’s because the signs change dates as the Earth moves through precession. "
thank you thank you thank you
i be telling those fools that..