
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Here and NOW

What we do now and what we put off until later is very reflective of our character. Realizing that one has a CHOICE in focusing on what to do now is reflective of INTELLIGENCE.

A great portion of western society shifts blame to environment, astral gods, circumstance, and various other excuses. There is not an overall populist movement to address self-responsibility. You can see this in the American response to 9-11 (‘we don’t know why they hate us’), to the pedophile record of Catholic Priest (shifting them around from church to church even after it was known that they were sexual predators), to the obesity level of American (‘it’s the fast food making everyone fat’). The overall ideology is to find a mental scapegoat. The by product of this though is that they have to find a mental savior which isn’t their own self. When those of wicked intelligence realize that a portion of the masses is mentally lazy they take advantage of that portion and utilize them for their own ends.

The key for us is to have intellectual fortitude and make positive choices in there here and NOW. We make things happen and the order of the day is to be proactive.

Post presidential election many were disheartened that Bush won the election. They then stopped what ever activist activities that they were involved in. They have yet to realize that the reason the politicians court their vote is because the politicians realize that the power is within the people. Within our immediate circumference there are things to be done that we can have a hand in changing.
What we do now and what we put off until later is very reflective of our character. Realizing that one has a CHOICE in focusing on what to do now is reflective of INTELLIGENCE.

1 comment:

Satori said...

This is an excellent point especially worth pointin out at the time of year when people seem to require a "resolution" for motivation.