
Sunday, July 28, 2019

European Gods and Rape...

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The way that patriarchy is talked about today is often utilized to remove the onus of white patriarchy or northern cradle patriarchy under some "all patriarchy matters." I color code my patriarchy because it is important to emphasize historical white patriarchy which is part of the operating system of white fragility presented as white supremacy. There are parts of the operating system that are known and others that are a little more subtle. Let's talk about rape in white mythologies. Zeus literally raped his way through Greek mythology, mortals and deities alike. He didn't do romances. Odin in Norse mythology literally tied a woman to a be a drug her in order to rape her. These rape stories in Greek civilization were accompanied by pederasty, the love of an older man with younger male. There were no boundaries of age. This philosophy was accompanied by regulating woman to only a child bearer. Let's now travel all the way up to the Roman Catholic Church which is the heir of the Roman Empire and also heir to many of the philosophies of Greece. Doesn't it seem odd that a religion which is an offshoot of Judaism (who has one of their main tenets as be fruitful and multiply) would have a dedicated structure where celibacy is stressed (priests and nuns) in its ranks? Why is the abuse of raping of boy literally the "norm" for such an institution who doesn't seek to confront it in its ranks and deal with it...they actually work to hide abusive priests into new areas to continue their behavior. The structure is actually so anti-woman that the only two modes for woman are "virgin" or "whore." There is not even a place to celebrate motherhood. In fact, there are not even icons of Mary pregnant. The icons are only Mary before she got pregnant or once she has already had Jesus. If you notice the iconic mother deities/mother earth artifacts from areas before the coming of the white gods they emphasized motherhood, pregnancy, fertility, curves, T&A, etc... (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #Zeus #Rapist #Odin #RomanCatholicChurch #Pederasty #RomanEmpire #Celibacy #Mothehood #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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