
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thule and Hyperborea

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The average layperson is taught that the phenotype and genotype of those who we call white developed within Europe. In a previous post I pointed out that it has been long known to scholars, researchers and scientist that this is not the case. What they haven't been able to reach a consensus on is the "homeland" white people. The #AegeanEvent postulates that this "homeland" is within the Aegean Sea AND that it was a planned process that brought about the development of this particular genotype and phenotype. After they "left the cradle" and stormed into the Levant, Northern Africa, Asia Minor they were pushed into eastern Europe/Western Asia where they developed a second "cradle." This second cradle we are referring to as Thule or Hyperborea in line with ancient Greek writings that postulate a northern home of "little light an much darkness" for the invading forces that came during the end of the Bronze Age. Thule was also eventualy adopted into Nazi mythology as their ideological homeland. In Genesis Adam ontologically represents the white tribes (as there were already "pre-adamite" people in existence) who was "made" outside of Eden (he was "placed" eastward in Eden). This is the movement from the Aegean into the Levant and Asia Minor. In the Norse mythos we have Ask and Elba. So this represents again their second cradle in the north where a lot of the their warfare tactics and technology was given and taught to them that was used to be bring about the Bronze Age Collapse. #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #Thule #Hyperborea #Nazis #BronzeAgeCollapese #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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