
Sunday, July 28, 2019

The first appearance of the Blue Eyes in the Ancient World

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Blue eyes making their sudden appearance in the ANE. (Ancient Near East) are the foundation of the evil eye superstition within that area. It also took root in the Mederterranean. It first was strictly attributed to those of blue eyes yet it later expanded to include those with green or grey eyes. Both green or grey eyes is dependent upon the blue eye phenotype being present in the genes. There are two strong traditions in the near east which emphasize this connection. The first one is that there are a couple of traditional talisman that are used as a protection against the evil eye. One is a nazcar and the other is a hamza. The nazcar is just a stylized eye. The hamza is a stylized hand which often has a stylized eye within its palm. Both talisman always have the eye or eyes as stylized blue eyes. The second tradition is that in Iran the devil is said to have blue eyes. This is notable in that regional descriptions of Satan are often built upon a pre-islamic or pre-christian evil deity. In the case of Iran this would be the Avestan Ahriman who, as noted, was traditionally depicted as being an albino and having blue eyes. This notion of blue eyed being connected with wickedness is carried forward into the Quran. In Surah 20 Ayat 102 it reads: "On the day when the trumpet shall be blown, and We will gather the guilty, blue-eyed, on that day" The group being identified are the Romans and Greeks. As noted in the above dealing with the evil eye many white eye phenotypes became merged in identification. Blue also became synonymous with leaden or dull in Arabic. Some scholars have stated that the tradition of the evil eye was brought into the East with Alexander the Great. The other simple explantation has never been approached which is that it wasnt a tradition that was brought. The fact that Alexanders troops were white with a high concentration of blue eyes is what actually spread the tradition as they invaded new terretories held by the Original man. (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #BlueEyes #EvilEye #Hamsa #Nazar #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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