
Sunday, July 28, 2019

When It All Falls Apart

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It all comes crumbling down. The protests around sacred land in Hawaii, the protests in Puerto Rico, etc. When empires overextend their selves and are close to collapse the people reclaim what was taken. This has happened in the past with Greece, Rome, England and other empires. The colonies rose up in the end and retook what was theirs. It is no different with the coming collapse of the empire of the United States. There are several articles that detail how the landscape right now of the United States is similar to how the landscape of Rome was before it fell. As we produce these writings of the Aegean Event, that will eventually be collected in book form, it is important to remind people that the Aegean Event writings are not just a "history lesson." The Aegean Event is a living document that show you the operational manual of white fragility (falsely labeled as white supremacy). Also it will be laden with solutions so that we don't enter full Mad Max, Thundarr the Barbairan Dark ages. I like to remind people that when Rome fell it was really only white Europe that entered into a dark age. Former colonies such as India, Egypt, etc and enclaves of original people in Europe, like the Moors, flourished because they became stewards of the Knowledge of Original People from earlier eras and improved upon it. In fact it was they who illuminated the dark age of Europe. That also is a reoccurring theme because there were earlier ages of Europe where the global majority illuminated white Europe's earlier "dark ages." #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #DarkAges #FallingEmpires #PuertoRico #Hawaii #Rome #UnitedStates #ComingCollapse #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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