
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Death Cult

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You can find a litany of the supposed "savagery" of the Global Majority in the history narrative and media of white people. A bulk of that narrative is just lies. On the surface it appears just to be "name calling." When you dig deeper though you discover a literary psychological warfare technology that is working to define reality. So for white fragility (so called white supremacy) it isn't just about making the Global Majority out to be backward, savage and is also about concealing the history of those threads within white society. In the Aegean Event we highlight these threads as the Death Cult within white history. It is not just a description of the atrocities done by white people against Original people. That is actually a different topic. It is the worship, personification and adoration of death, pain and suffering. It involves many elements such as their lack of empathy for the suffering of people, cannibalism in european culture from prehistoric times through the middle ages into the present, such concepts reflected in the iconography of Catholicism, ossuraries (buildings made out of bone..including some churches), hoarding the body parts of saints...shit...did you know that they have even preserved the dress and gloves that Jackie Onassis had on when JFK was shot with the blood all over it?! We could go on and about the virtual celebrity worship of serial killers? How about the fact that they are considering on shutting down Columbine High School because they say that too many people have a morbid fascination with it...visiting it as a sort of pilgrimage being inspired to commit acts of mass murdering. The Aegean Event is going to show you how not to fall for the okey doke. On one hand claiming that practices of the Global Majority are all evil while on the other hand eating crackers and drinking wine that according to their belief literally changes into the flesh and blood when it is in their mouth (Transubstantiation). #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #DeathCult #Gothic #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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