
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Other white tribes

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Most people think that the white expanse into the east happened with Marco Polo or with Alexander the Great. There is some truth to how both of them opened up the east to the white tribes. Yet white tribes have been making excursions into Asia during their first military campaigns around the Bronze Age Collapse. Many of those records are kept in the historical writings of the ancient Persians and of India. The movement of the white tribes through those areas laid the foundation for some of the earliest systems of colorism that exist in the world. Another legacy that they left are isolated pockets of white tribes in various places around Asia. The Huna, the White Huns, the Pashtun, the Scyhtians, the Nuristani. Their place in the societies of the Global Majority (People of Color) parallels the position of the later "white tribes" of colonization. After Nations of the Global Majority got their independence the colonists were forced or chose, to return home. Many had become outcasts in the poorest stratas of the society of which they were now a part. Ignored by both the former slaves and the modern privileged white immigrants, and unable to afford the long journey home, they still hold out today, hiding in remote valleys and hills, 'lost white tribes' living in poverty with the proud myth of their colonial ancestors. Forced to marry within the tribe to retain their fair-skinned 'purity' they are torn between the memory of past privileges and the present need to integrate into the surrounding society. The Dutch Brughers of Sri Lanka, the German Slavs of Jamaica, the Blancs Matigon Sugarcane Dukes of Guadeloupe, Papa Doc's Poles of Haiti, the Basters of Nambia, the Cofederados of Brazil. The same thing that happened in the past reproduced itself again in this present era. #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #WhiteTribes #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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