
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ancient Blackface...

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Blackface is thought of as a product of modern day colonialism. Its strongest stream is thought to have derived from the Jim Cow era. It is true that during that era it became strong and exported to countries worldwide. Yet there are earlier threads of anti-blackness that were the results of previous eras. In every country worldwide there is the presence of anti-blackness from China to Mexico to Iran to Brazil. One of the earliest weaponizations of anti-blackness came during the early events of the Aegean Event where some of the white tribes pushed into India. They demonized the indigenous dark deities, elevated their own white deities to the top of the pyramid and established a caste system where white/light was connected with purity and righteousness and Black/dark was connected with wickedness and filth. This system isn't only expressed religiously. The caste system is a reality that is based on skin shade. One of the earliest systems of anti-blackness. Another major establishment of anti-blackness was post the Moorish Occupation of Europe. In many countries there was the establishment of theater, plays, comedies, etc with the theme of the evil blackfaced Moor. The Lord of Misrule, the fool and the Harlequin were often put in black face. This was also connected with evil and the devil. These tools of anti-blackness found their way into the modern era of colonialism within Spanish colonies. (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #Blackness #BlackIsDivine #BlackFace #WesternStandardOfBeauty #Bleaching #WhiteWashed #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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