
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Domesticated White Foxes...

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A portion of the #AegeanEvent Theory is that the genotype and phenotype of those we classify as white came about as the results of an ancient eugenic program (before you write that off check out the ancestors of plants such as corn or animals such as the chihuahua. Ancient man altered flora and fauna through extended programs thousands of years ago during the Stone and Bronze Ages the progenitor of corn looks like a stalk of grass with a couple of nubs on it and the progenitor of that chihuahua is a close relative of the wolf ). Take into account the experiment of Dmitri K. Belyaev who started domesticaled foxes in the late 1950s in Russia. From those experiments he developed a breed of domesticated fox (the silver fox which you can purchase today). The other part of his experiments though aren't as well known. He also worked to domesticate rats, otters and minks. With the rats it is known that he developed two strands. He developed a colony of domesticated rats who were very receptive to humans and another colony that was HYPER AGGRESSIVE. This colony is so aggressive that they are under watch to a high degree for fear that one could escape into the wild and mate. In the context of the #AegeanEvent we're investigating 1) Whether such human domestication is possible 2) Whether such human domestication is probable 3) If so when, how, who were the players and where did this take place #HumanDomestication #Eugenics #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf

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