
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ancient Scientists

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One thing in proposing a theory is that you first have to see if it is possible that it could happen. Then you can move on to the probable. If you can't justify the first you ain't even getting to the second. The Aegean Event postulates that a certain segment of the human population was isolated and manipulated over generations so that certain phenotypical traits became the norm in this population. On face value this comes off as some Island of Dr Moreau/Gattaca/Frankenstein shit. In the above picture though you will see teosinte which is the ancestor of modern corn. It is literally a grass with some kernel nubs on it. Over generations traits were selected while other traits were rejected to develop corn as we know it today. Toy dogs like chihuahuas were developed from wild wolf like dogs. Trust me..changing skin tone, eyes and hair of humans over generations wouldn't be no big feat. The problem is that you have been conditioned by the white narrative to think that your ancestors couldn't do shit when in many realms they were more advanced than parts of society that we have today. The average person if they were to crack open their cell phone wouldn't know how to fix it or explain how it was working. Even within that small part of the population that does there is an even smaller part of the population who would know how to make the wires and circuits. The average person can't recognize which plants are edible or medicinal in the wild. The ancestors of the Global Majority lined up the pyramids in Egypt with star formations, the Mayans calculated the circuits of various planets, the Dogon identified binary stars. Every domesticated form of animal and plant came through a process of human ingenuity. When they say your ancestors are primitive that is a shield to hide the fact that they were dealing with primary material and original transformations. (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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