
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ancient Earthquake Storms

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The usual white narrative is that white colonization was so successful because white people were technologically "superior" to the "savages" that they colonized. The book "Guns, Germs and Steel" disrupts the usual white narrative. It points out for instance that during the invasion of the Americas whites gained the upper hand not due to their superior gun power. White Europeans were literal biological weapons seething with hosts of different diseases (the book points out why which is even another level) that decimated whole populations in the Americas. Oftentimes this happened even before whites entered into certain parts due to transmission of viruses. This kind of "partnership" with natural weapons is something that happened in ancient times also yet is concealed in the record so as to present the illusion of white superiority. One of these things were the the Earthquake Storms in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Mediterranean. There was a rash of Earthquakes in that region during this time that would put the one's that happened and projected to happen in California to shame. These earthquakes live on in the destruction of cities in the Bible and the Qu'ran that were later attributed to an invisible deity. The white fragility methodology is to claim that they have a "divine partnership" with such disasters. So for instance you have Pat Robinson, the christian leader, claiming that the earthquake in Haiti was sent by the (white) "Lord" and that the Haitians deserved it. As I mentioned in previous posts storm gods became the totemic gods of the white tribes wherever they went. In the ancient world storm deities were identified with earthquakes (thunder, meteorites, etc all thought to cause earthquakes). So you have a Greek deity like Poseidon who though is modernly known as a sea deity yet also identified with earthquakes, chariots, horses and storms. (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #Earthquakes #Poseidon #Sutekah #Set #Typhoon #BronzeAgeCollapse #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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