
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Storm Gods pt II

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As I mentioned in one post wherever the white tribes poured into they commandeered the regional storm deities (who were really just fertility deities for the most part) as their own transforming them into the head deity as a storm/war deities basically corrupting them. One of the main places that you can see this is during the Hyksos dynasty in Egypt. They took the deity Set as their patron merging him with Sutekh. Set was never purely a god of evil in Egypt. He was a God of the desert, of husbandry and of rebellion (which was needed at times if the government was corrupt). Yet the Hyksos corrupted him when they adopted him. Set was seen as the patron of those with red hair. Red in the ancient context of Egypt referred to hair that wasn't Black or Brown so this is inclusive of Blond. The red and blond phenotype is only seen in ancient Egypt amongst the Hyksos. In Greek sources,the god Set, stylized into the archenemy by the hate rituals,is linked with the Jews. In chapter 31 of his De Inside et Osiride, Plutarch quotes a source that calls Set the tribal father of Jews. After being driven out of Egypt,Set fleed for seven days and then,once safe beget his sons Hierosolyma and Juda(h). As we have seen the figure of Set personifies Egyptian fears of the deadly power of the desert ,of the destructive fury of the Asiatic invaders and of the religious enemy who slaughters sacred animals and tramples over the religious mysteries. A demotic prophecy from the Roman period interprets incidences of disaster and disorder as manifestations of Set. This text also links the figure of Set to the jews. Isis[Auset] appears as the adversary of Set and the Jews,who are designated as ''law breakers driven out of by the command of Auset'' ''Attack the Jews the text continues.''for godless men will plunder your temple within it'' Let no magician preform his rites there. Its gates open not to the unauthorized. The Habiru are the tribe of the Hyksos who are identified with the Jews. They are the remnant left behind on the edges of Egypt after the fall of the Hyksos Dynasty. The Hyksos them selves are part of a larger contingent of white trib

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