
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pre-Adamite Man...

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Two points that are illustrated in the Bible as tradition is that 1) Adam wasn't the first man created and 2) Adam has approximately been on the planet 6,000 years. Both of these traditions are cross referenced in several Biblical and Qu'ranic traditions. They are also evident in several exoteric (public) and esoteric (hidden) traditions. The tradition of the people who came into existence before Adam is referred to as the Pre-Adamite tradition. In many racist religious circles they used the passage in the Bible which refers to the creation of people before Adam to state that Original People were "inferior" to Adam who they say was the "first man to have a soul." So they used this as ammo to state that only the white man (Adam) had a soul. An Original Man by the name of Paschal Beverly Randolph wrote a book which is pictured above. He pointed out that all of these monuments that existed around the world were older than "Adam" and were evidence of great civilization. The time stamp that the Bible placed on Adam was approximately 6,000 years ago. This is circa 4,000 BC, the time that we postulate is the era of the Aegean Event. Also, if you have been following other Aegean Event posts you will see that there are no images of white people that extends beyond 2,000 BC. So it appears that the Biblical chroniclers were on point in terms of their generation of "Adam" (white tribes). The real question is why does Biblical commentary appear to coincide with the time line of when white tribes made their appearance on the planet? #PreAdamite #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf

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