
Sunday, July 28, 2019

European History embedded in European Fairy Tales

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So many paths to research data for the #AegeanEvent. Amazingly even "fairy tales." They give us insight into the themes and philosophies of people during certain eras. Ironically it appears that many "fairy tales" have their origin time wise during the period of the events of the Aegean Event. So basically they are parallel with the time frame we are postualating is the beginning time of the white pheno and geno type. Already have mined some information from this revelation. "Modern linguists and anthropologists have set the origin of most such fairy tales to just prior to the time they were written down, which would make them several hundred years old. But this new research suggests they are much older than that, with some going back thousands of years. To come to these conclusions, the researchers applied a technique normally used in biology—building phylogenetic trees to trace linguistic attributes back to their origin. They started with 275 fairy tales, each rooted in magic, and whittled them down to 76 basic stories. Trees were then built based on Indo-European languages, some of which have gone extinct. In so doing, the researchers found evidence that some fairy tales, such as Jack and the Beanstalk, were rooted in other stories, and could be traced back to a time when Western and Eastern Indo-European languages split, which was approximately 5,000 years ago, which means of course that they predate the Bible, for example, or even Greek myths. The researchers placed confidence factors on different results, depending on how strong the trees were that could be built—some were obviously less clear than others, but one fairy tale in particular, they note, was very clear—called The Smith and The Devil, they traced it back approximately 6,000 years, to the Bronze Age." #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #FairyTales #BronzeAge #IronAge #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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