
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Appropriation and Serapis

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If you see an aspect of the machinery of white fragility working in the present you will be able to trace it to some prototype or template in the past. The Ptolemaic occupation of Egypt by Greece is one of those earlier instances of the principles of colonization being put into action. The Ptolemy dynasty in Egypt was a Greek foreign dynasty. They took over the ruling class in Egypt and postured their selves in the cultural garb of Egypt. This is the foundation of appropriation, white washing, etc. One of the major ways that they worked to hijack everything Egyptian was through their utilization of the Serapis. The cult of Serapis was introduced during the third century BC on the orders of Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter of the Ptolemaic Kingdom as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians in his realm. Serapis was depicted as Greek in appearance but with Egyptian trappings, and combined iconography from a great many cults, signifying both abundance and resurrection. Serapis continued to increase in popularity during the Roman Empire, often replacing Osiris as the consort of Isis in temples outside Egypt. So look at those elements there. Replace the Black man with the white man in leadership roles (Osiris/Asr) and in interactions with the Black woman (Isis/Ast), take up roles of governing while wearing the trappings of the indigenous population, control the narrative making their version of events the official version, dilute the original version, etc. The Aegean Event has layers. It is not just about the "genesis" of the white pheno/geno is also the blueprint by which they expanded into the world at large and exerted control. #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #Serapis #WhiteWashed #Appropriation #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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