
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dr Ben Needs Our Support Now

You must learn - KRS-one
In college I read alot of 'black books' on my own being inspired by the knowledge of myself. Yet the first time that a professor dropped them on the sylabus was in a music class on the history of black music. As required reading the professor had Black Man of the Nile and His Family and Africa: Mother of Major Western Religions. Both of these titles were by the esteemed Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan.

Dr. Ben has history with this Nation in that he taught at Harlem Prep and many of the Gods studied under him and/or were influenced by his teaching. Currently he is in need of assistance from those who have benefited from his life's research.

To be more in tune with some of his work please check out his online virtual musuem.


Please circulate this important "call to action" request for our living elder and jegna Dr. Yosef A. Ben Jochannan.
We are beseeched by our ancestors to take care of our elderly, to bring them comfort in their season of rest and reflection.

"Brothers and Sisters who have visited Dr. Ben recently asked him what the community could do to show their love and support. Dr. Ben indicated that he is in need of pants (32X31), shoes (size 9), t-shirts, socks, books and a belt.

He also would like to have visitors (if you are in New York). Visiting hours are between 11-9pm. You can
send clothing and book donations or visit at the following address".

Bay Park Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
ATTN: Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
RM 301
801 Co-op City Blvd,
Bronx, NY, 10475


Dr. Ben Needs Our Support Now
Bronx, New York - Jan 01, 2009
Dr. Ben is in:
Room 301 Bay Park Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, LLC.
AKA Hebrew Nursing Home
801 Co-op City Blvd. Bronx, NY 10475
Phone - 718-239-6444
His birthday was December 31st and he is 91 years young. He needs visits. He requests his books. He requests conversation. He requests to go to 125 Street in Harlem.
Visiting hours are from 11am to 8pm. Take 5 train to last stop (Dyer and Light). Take a cab or walk a long block under the train trestle to Boston Road. Cross the street to bus stop in front of mini mall. Take the BX 30. Bus will take you to Drieser Loop and the hospital is across the street on the left.
About Dr. Ben
Dr. Yosef A. A. Ben-Jochannan, affectionately known as "Dr. Ben" was born December 31, 1918, to a Puerto Rican mother and an Ethiopian father in what is known as the "Falasha" Hebrew community in Gondar, Ethiopia.
Dr. Ben’s formal education began in Puerto Rico. His early education continued in The Virgin Islands and in Brazil, where he attended elementary and secondary school. Dr. Ben earned a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering at the university of Puerto Rico, and a Master’s degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Havana, Cuba. He received doctorial degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Moorish History, from the University of Havana and the University of Barcelona Spain.


Ekklektia said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I'll repost the info in my blackstudies group and gather more support for Dr. Ben.

alife allah said...

The response has been incredible.