
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I gave a pound to buddha

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
St. Matthew 24:27

It started with me just knocking dairy out of my diet then the God was breathing better. Now I find myself rocking organic Ra(sun neter/ntr get with it)food that has been fired by the sun.

I remember first experimenting with fasting learning how to discern between a need and a want. It is about merging needs and wants or being aware that one is choosing a need or want.

As transform myself and the environment around me a few have been assisting in my preparations and I gotta give a big up to them. Especially Cy who hit me with great insight how to rock a minimalist ra food style and violet who tutored me in making kombocha. As I do the bounce to the west I'll let y'all see how its done. Already i've been experiencing ra soups and its ill (meaning SO good).

Alot of my work at the moment is invested in my migration and Asiatic Light micropress which is jumping off lovely ( to keep in the loop).

And on the fly I had some ill Buddha's hand citron on a salad the the other day. Oh you need a handkerchief? I see you sweatin' me.

Stay (in) tune for more.


suzy dangerous said...

u make kombucha!?!? i love kombucha. you will have to share with me.


cy said...

wow, that is a crazy looking veggie! happy to see you are back. That's also why you've been TAGGED(!) which means you are supposed to post 6 things about yourself that people may not know, post the 6th foto from the 6th album on your pc and tag 6 more people. peace/health/radiance hermano.
