
Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Terrorism coming from the Aegean Event

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One of the tactics of white society since its inception has been been to divide and conquer. This is necessary since they are literally the Global Minority. When they went into other societies they were always the youngest society and numerically the smallest. So many times all out assault wasn't the first option. They had to weaken the cohesion of the society that they were seeking to colonize or destroy from within. Missionaries accompanied "explorers" for this reason. Terrorism by the global minority in the current landscape (Dayton, El Paso, etc) can be seen in this context. The intent isn't to execute all Black and Brown people. The intent is to instill fear so that Black and Brown people will "stay in their place." This is psychological warfare. They can't destroy the Black and Brown people as a whole because Black and Brown people are literally the infrastructure that enables this country to operate. Without BIPOC bodies the machinery collapses. This is all rooted in extinction anxiety (that the white pheno/genotype will disappear) with their current negative birthrate and the "browning" of America. Also it is rooted in their subconscious fear that BIPOC will do to them what they did to us. Little known fact. White terrorism has always been part of this country. The "Boston Tea Party" was a terrorist incident against the British Crown where white people dressed up as the Indigenous People to perform the act. The Ku Klux Klan was one of the first "established" white domestic terrorist groups. Though people generally focus on its terror against Black folks they were (and are) also opposed to Jews, blacks, Catholics, and newly arriving Southern and Eastern European immigrants such as Italians, Russians, and Lithuanians, many of whom were Jewish or Catholics themselves. (Cont in comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #KKK #Abakua #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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