
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Aegean Event Theory

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Why ain't we ever hear about this "theory" before? Well some of you may have heard about parts of depending on what books, ways of life and oral traditions that you are familiar with. Yet believe you me, you ain't ever seen anybody put all of the pieces together like this. There are several reasons why most people haven't heard most parts of this theory before. 1) Most People Ain't Historically Literate: Ask someone about the reason for World War I, what happened during the 7th dynasty in Egypt or when did rice become domesticated in the Far East. There will be silence. A huge part of the Aegean Event will not just be about describing this event. It will be educating people to several different historical and cultural events that were happening in that region around the same time. 2) Bronze Age Collapse: The Aegean Event happened during the Bronze Age Collapse. We postulate that it was a major contributing factor to the Bronze Age Collapse. We have scant records from the Bronze Age Collapse because of the wide scale destruction. The destruction of the records was both a byproduct of the invasion AND a determined idea to destroy SPECIFIC records. I mean you know how many of the codex they destroyed of the Aztecs and the Mayans? You know how many Egyptian records were destroyed by every group that occupied Egypt? 3) Some Records Have Been Concealed: Not only is there a concerted effort to control the narrative of history. There has been a campaign to conceal aspects of this theory that trace back all the way to antiquity. This aspect is part of the operating system of white fragility that has its origin in the Aegean Event. It is connected to information that was preserved directly from the "Old Men" of the Aegean Event and information that made its way back into Europe via the interaction of western and eastern secret societies during the Crusades. (Cont in Comments) #AegeanEvent #ScienceOfSelf #History #BronzeAgeCollapse #ALifeAllah #SupremeUnderstanding

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